To develop the village and region named Agroha in Haryana based on the ideals of Maharaja Agrasen, promoting socialism, non-violence, and participatory democracy, making it an ideal location.
To build and manage a memorial temple or building in Agroha in honor of Maharaja Agrasen.
To provide lodging, rest houses, and parks for tourists and pilgrims in Agroha.
To undertake excavation and research on historical mounds in Agroha with government support.
To establish and operate yoga centers, hospitals, dispensaries, libraries, orphanages, sports complexes, and veterinary hospitals in Agroha.
To establish and operate medical colleges, arts colleges, and universities in Agroha.
To construct and manage hostels for students.
To research, publish, and distribute literature on the history of Agroha.
To develop Agroha as a pilgrimage and tourist destination.
To establish and manage a research center on history, science, technology, and literature.
To organize cultural, social, and economic fairs and exhibitions.
To publish literature, magazines, and newspapers related to social welfare.
To provide books and educational materials to students and scholars.
To provide financial aid for the education of destitute women, widows, men, and children.
To honor and reward talented individuals, laborers, journalists, artists, and writers for contributing to society.
To establish and operate educational institutions focused on small industries, technology, business management, and agriculture.
To provide financial support for small businesses and industries.
To conduct activities that benefit the nation and society.
To collaborate and exchange ideas with other social organizations.
To ensure the Trust serves without discrimination based on caste, religion, or any social differences.
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